Our company was founded by Ihei Tomiya around the beginning of the Meiji period as a textile merchant in Nishijin. He later began making obi fabrics by himself and changed his business to a weaver. The number of the Nishijin Textile Industrial Association is "308".

当社は明治初年頃に冨家伊兵衛(とみいえ いへえ)により西陣織の織物商として創業しました。 その後、戦前頃に帯地製造業に転身しました。 西陣織工業組合の証紙番号は「308」です。組合発足当時、証紙が4桁でなく3桁だったので、「10・3・8:と・み・や)」から「308」を発想しました。

The company's high level of skill, which won the Kyoto City Oscar Award, has earned it recognition in a wide range of fields, including portrait textiles for celebrities in Japan and abroad, such as the presidents of the U.S. and Russia, the Crown Prince of Monaco, and a member of the Diet, as well as textiles for dedication to temples and shrines, costumes for movies, and goal tapes for ekiden (relay race) and marathon races.

京都市オスカー賞を受賞するなどその高い技術は、国会議員をはじめ、アメリカ・ロシアの大統領、モナコ皇太子など国内外の著名人の「肖像織」を手がけるなど幅広い分野で認められています。 神社仏閣への奉納織物、映画の衣装、駅伝やマラソンのゴールテープなども手がけています。

While the mainstay of its manufacturing is the production of obi fabrics for kimono, the company also does overseas work, including technical exchanges with the royal family of Yogyakarta, Indonesia, tree-planting support activities, and wall decorations for temples in Los Angeles and San Francisco.


While preserving the traditional techniques, we are also engaged in the development of new textiles and are constantly taking on new challenges.


Translated with DeepL

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Tomiya textile corporation とみや織物株式会社

Tate to Yoko タテトヨコ